Homestead AC Repair - Commercial HVAC System


Since most of us spend the majority of our day in the office, it is essential to ensure that the air conditioning unit at the workplace is fully functional. Keeping the office premises cool and comfortable is the key to a satisfied staff. Conversely, a stifling and humid environment on top of the scorching heat outside will greatly reduce productivity and may even lead to short tempers. Homestead AC Repair can help you choose the best air conditioning unit for your workplace and help with the entire installation process from start to finish. With an experience of over two decades, a growing list of clients in Homestead, FL and cost-effective solutions for businesses, we are the ideal choice for all types of commercial HVAC needs. Call us now on 786-530-4067

Why you should never sideline your HVAC?

Smart business owners always look to get the best out of every deal and find cost-effective solutions to problems. However, in their bid to cut down costs and save extra money, most commercial property owners award HVAC system contracts to the cheapest bid available. In order to lure such clients with cheap prices, AC service companies offer inferior quality services without taking into account factors like the size of your workplace, ductwork, air quality, etc. The result? Ineffective cooling and recurring faults with the AC unit!

Here’s a look at what a poorly-installed/maintained HVAC system can do to your business:

  1. Affects productivity: Employees battling suffocating heat or enduring bitter cold due to irregular temperature will not be able to work due to reduced concentration.
  2. Efficiency:A comfortable working environment is necessary to ensure work efficiency. A poor HVAC system results in an uncomfortable environment and brings down efficiency.
  3. Sick days: Poor maintenance means that your ducts will accumulate irritants over a period of time, thereby resulting in indoor air pollution. Bad air quality poses great health risks for employees.
  4. Energy bills: Incorrect installation, poor selection of brands, or improper insulation can all cause a spike in the power bill and add to your monthly expenditure.
  5. Re-investments: Neglecting HVAC systems can cut short their lives by several years which means that you will be forced to invest in a new unit sooner than desirable.

What you need?

Business-specific consultation: No two office complexes are similar and nor are their needs. Every commercial workplace has its own set of unique needs and our technicians ascertain what’s best for your business. We install HVAC systems suited specifically for your setup.

Installation: Commercial HVAC systems involve a complex installation procedure which can only be handled by experienced experts. It’s important to get the installation right because it cannot be altered easily unlike residential units. Our technicians have enough field experience to carry out the efficient installation of your unit.

Maintenance: Commercial HVAC systems are very expensive and must not be neglected after installation. Timely maintenance will ensure that the unit stays in good shape and that you don’t have to shell out big bucks on repairs.

Repairs: What if you experience a HVAC unit malfunction a day before a crucial meeting? We understand how you would not want to wait overnight to get your AC fixed. For this reason, we operate 24x7 services to provide expert solutions even in the middle of the night.

Homestead AC Repair does it all:

No longer do you have to rely on multiple companies for different HVAC service needs. With Homestead AC Repair, you get all your solutions at one place, be it installation, contractual maintenance, ductwork, and more. Plus, with our budget-friendly solutions and assurance of rapid response time, we are the most business-friendly option in town.

Choose us for:

  • Homestead AC Repair Homestead, FL 786-530-406724-hour availability
  • Extensive range of services
  • Skilled commercial HVAC experts
  • Customized solutions
  • Emergency service
  • Affordable contracts and rates
  • Top-notch workmanship
  • Complete confidentiality

You wouldn’t find a better HVAC service firm anywhere in Homestead, FL. Call us now on 786-530-4067!